Greater Victory Temple of Seaside CA

Our History:

The year was 1943, when the seed of ministry, which was to become the Greater Victory Temple, was planted in the rich fertile spirit of a young, Elder Sennie Rudolph Martin.

One evening, early in that year, Elder Martin laid down to rest and the Lord spoke to him through a vision…

Elder Sennie Rudolph Martin

A woman sat in a rocking chair, with a young girl standing nearby. The woman suddenly began to weep saying, “We are in Monterey and there is no church here.

Elder Martin, recognizing that his vision was a message from God, rose early the next morning, gathered his family, wife Primrose, and their two sons, Rudolph Junior and Daniel Clay and went in search of Monterey and the woman in his vision. 

Finally arriving in Monterey, Elder Martin asked where he could find the Christians who lived in this town. He was given an address that led to a little house upon a hill. To his gentle knock, he received a reply so weak that it was barely audible. So, he knocked again. Again, the voice came, a bit stronger because of the obvious effort, saying, “Come in, the door is open.” When he pushed the door open, the full impact of his spirit-stirring vision returned as he beheld her. There she sat, the woman in a rocking chair and the little girl standing nearby who was getting her hair combed. Before he could speak, she said, “You’re a preacher. The Lord has sent you. I am sick, please pray for me.” Without saying a word, Elder Martin laid hands on the woman and she was healed instantly.

Later, the lady who was used of God to pray for the need for a church in Monterey was identified as Mrs. Causey and her daughter was Elnora. Little did Elder Martin know at the time that the church Mrs. Causey prayed for and the location of the little restaurant where the family ate that day on the corner of Harcourt and Fremont streets would become the future Victory Temple Church.

 Pasor Immeritus Bishop W. W. Hamilton & Wife Joy Hamilton


Elder Martin led the Victory Temple congregation for thirty-seven years. While serving as pastor and prelate, Bishop Martin was given another vision to erect a new edifice. But before he could realize that vision, in January 1980, after a long illness, Bishop Martin was called home to be with the Lord… 

One Sunday morning, God smiled upon the Victory Temple Family and senta man of unusual anointing to the service.  When he reached the pulpit he was introduced as the speaker for the day.  The young man asked everyone to turn to John 14: 1-4 and cited his subject “The Comforter Has Come.”  

His words touched every member present as they settled on heavy hearts and ears.  Could this be? Is it possible?

Mrs. Causey

And, with this message of gentle embrace from the Holy Ghost, burdens began to lift from their shoulders,  hope began to take the place of despair, joy overtook sadness, and before long, there was shouting and rejoicing.  It was beyond question that God had answered prayers and sent a new leader.

Not many months passed before Elder Wilburn Wyatt Hamilton was appointed Pastor of the Victory Temple Church by the late Presiding Bishop of the Church of God In Christ, Bishop J.O. Patterson.

Elder Wilburn Hamilton, brother-in-law to the late Bishop Martin, was uniquely prepared for our current building project because of his extensive experience as Director of Urban Redevelopment in the City of San Francisco.  In fact, Elder Hamilton had participated in the initial negotiation on acquiring the land on which Greater Victory now sits.  His business acumen quickly lead him to assess our situation and reorganize our efforts to complete our new building structure.  He appointed group leaders who each were responsible for fundraising for a specific section of the church. With the leaders and members inspired, we were committed to a single focus...complete our efforts in 90 days!  And, praise God, Hallelujah, we did it. Building upon the foundation of the founder of this great church, Bishop Hamilton has taken the church into our next phase, a mature church body with a sincere love for the work of the Lord.  The members of Greater Victory Temple, like never before, have a mind to stay in the race and finish the course…


"Willing People Rebuilding… 
God’s Church, God’s People,
God’s Ministry”