Greater Victory Temple of Seaside CA

Director: Missionary Debra Joseph
Missionary Debra Joseph

Our Mission: To the believer missions means carrying the gospel message to those who have not heard it and trying to win them to Christ especially through a group of selected workers called missionaries, both men and women, and establishing the Church where it has not been established.

Home and Foreign Missions are dedicated to promoting evangelism, both personal and congregational throughout
the world.


The Church Of God In Christ has long been involved in missions and evangelism; and we know, our Lord’s return is soon.

It is our objective to encourage every leader and every worker in every church to be aware of the fact that the mission spirit is the necessary force in upbuilding the Church everywhere

In simple terms, Missions means Reaching the unreached with the Gospel.

Vision Statement: To reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and provide relief for the suffering at home and around the world.


The Mission of Missions:


To promote home missions by encouraging the local church to do the following:

a) Engage in activities to build/restore the family unit


b) Engage in missions and development of the community

c) Engage in active street, prison, and nursing home ministries


d) Commit to the financial support of the National Missions Department


Church members accompanying Bishop Terrance Rhone to Brazil on a medical mission trip.